
Friday, 16 March 2018

Computer Short Term And There Meaning

Computer Short Term And There Meaning

  1.  Html:- Hyper Text Markup Language (A Language By Which We Create Webpage)
  2. CSS:- Cascade Style Sheet (Used For Graphical User Interface of Webpage Design)
  3.  JS:- JavaScript
  4. Http:-Hypertext Transfer Protocols
  5. TCP:-Transfer Protocols
  6. UDP:-User Datagram Protocol
  7. POP:-Post Office Protocols
  8.  IMAP:-Internet Message Access Protocols
  9. XML:- E-extensible Markup Language

what is Doc Type In Html


It is not a Tag But it is a instruction to web browser about what version its Using
The <!Doctype> always be play on the top of html document. Comes befor <html> tag
And doctype define description of DTD(document type Description)

Different doctype declarations

1).html strick:-




Now Currently most people using HTML5


<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Demo Site</title>

Hellow How are You

